Goddess of fertility Demeter means ‘Earth-Mother’; she symbolises the regenerative fertile earth power, its fruitfulness and infinite abundance. Demeter as the all Loving Mother represents the archetype of childbearing, mothering/nurturing; the love and unity creating a magical bond between mother and daughter.
Demeter’s wheat of abundance inspires wisdom and prosperity. Demeter symbolises the magic of cycles and seasons of nature – death and rebirth - within the body of the Earth and every woman. She symbolises giving birth to a new ‘self’. It teaches us how-to live-in joy, celebrating the cycles of life, planting, tending, giving birth and assisting in our major transitions. When we work with Demeter energy, we learn to emerge with the light of wisdom from each cycle in our life no matter any hardship we go through.
Infinite prosperity, fruitfulness, fertility, regeneration, growth, harvest, rest, thankfulness.