Bee Goddess jewels are for those who like to follow their bliss and write their own myths. Finding one’sown myth, and living it, is one’s pathway to joy. It is the most empowering, enlightening and liberating experience.
Discover the stars shines in Bee Goddess and their magical looks. Explore their favorites, find your own soul jewelry.
dıscover your magical talısman
Each Bee Goddess jewel is a talismanic symbol thathas travelled the pages of time, language, culture andmythology.
Symbols are the codes of creation that carry clues to our inner forces and potentiality. Each symbol is an energy portal, which functions as a magnifier and transmitter to manifest and externalize forces from within, into your daily life.
Even though we speak different languages, symbols speak the language of the heart. Humanity passes its wisdom to future generations through myths and their archetypal symbols. Archetypes are mythological motifs; representations of certain energies, that are characterized by similar motifs everywhere.
Finding out our archetypes is reaching out for the infinite power and gifts of the heart. Through a symbolic journey and a dialogue with these inward forces we can explore the greater horizon of our own deeper and wiser self.deeper and wiser, inward self.